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Commercial Propane And Natural Gas Collections

Propane and natural gas distributors are important to maintaining a properly functioning workforce. Without propane and natural gas, employees in numerous industries wouldn’t have the tools and equipment they need to complete their tasks. Outside of the home, customers depend on propane to operate forklifts, farming equipment, vehicles, and more. 

Propane is also important to homeowners and business owners. Furnaces and a variety of appliances rely on propane and natural gas to fuel them. Business owners use liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) for their water heaters, climate control, and various other energy needs. 

Utility companies are vital to the functioning of American society– and their products can be found just about anywhere. Experts predict that 18 million gallons of propane will be used in 2021. 

Cash Flow Deficiencies

A lot of propane distributors are struggling in today’s economy due to rising prices. Propane costs have gone up exponentially since November 2020. This is due to the recent trend in patio heating, extreme weather in the Midwest, and the proliferation of exports to Asia. As the product’s cost continues to skyrocket so do many customers’ unpaid balances. Most propane distributors’ financial issues can be attributed to past-due receivables whether it be in a B2B or B2C context. Regardless of who you sell to, unpaid invoices can accrue quickly and be detrimental to the financial health of your business.   

Accounts Receivable Management Services

We offer executive-level billing to streamline the billing cycle and process payments faster. Our services include an auto-billing and calling system to maximize efficiency. With our proven methods we can get you back in the black fast. Then you won’t have to worry about missing funds when your bills come due. When you outsource invoicing and billing to Southwest Recovery Services we will hold customers accountable and ensure you’re receiving consistent payments. Our recovery agents have extensive experience securing payments from individuals and businesses. Southwest Recovery’s accounts receivable services will be beneficial to both you and your customers, by making the payment process quick and painless. 

Affordable and Efficient Collection Efforts

We work based on a contingency agreement and we’ll never request payment just to refer an account to collections. This means you’ll never be out of money because we only take a percentage of the amount we can collect. A lot of corporations try to utilize in-house debt recovery solutions. However, it can be incredibly costly to staff, train, and equip a collections team. This experience is worsened when you’re short-staffed and must depend on regular staff for collection efforts. Their time is better spent elsewhere, and chances are they’ll be ineffective simply due to lack of training. Southwest Recovery agents can free up your employee’s time and save you money. 

Southwest Recovery Services for Propane and Natural Gas Collections

Our propane and natural gas collection agents are adept at recovering delinquent bills for propane and gas distributors. We practice ethical collections to get your money without harming your hard-earned relationships with customers. Our recovery agents have extensive knowledge of debt recovery laws and observe local, state, and federal regulations. Southwest Recovery Services uses proven and efficient debt collection methods to collect outstanding accounts. We will even seek legal action to recover a bad debt for you if it comes to that.