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Physical Rehabilitation Collections


Southwest Recovery Services collects on unpaid physical therapy and rehabilitation debts. As a physical therapist, your time and energy are best spent helping your patients enjoy a better quality of life. If your practice has unpaid accounts, let our trained professionals take care of locating patients and securing payment. We always act with professionalism to keep your practice’s reputation in high regard, and we don’t make a cent unless we recover your money.

We understand that you need money to maintain your practice and the staff and equipment needed for physical rehabilitation. We also sympathize with patients who might have trouble paying what they owe due to unemployment related to their injuries. That’s why we maintain a careful balance of regular payment reminders and a friendly, empathetic approach that reflects well on you.

We’ve Found a Better Way

Long gone are the days of harassing phone calls and other high-pressure collection tactics. Our high success rate comes from our recovery agents’ ability to build rapport with your patients. We treat everyone with respect and understanding, and we know the most effective ways to negotiate repayment with all patients regardless of age or demographic. Our commitment to excellence demands that we use only the most ethical debt recovery practices.

As a Southwest Recovery client, you can expect us to act with integrity and transparency as we service your accounts. We will always keep you updated on our progress. Even better, we will provide you with access to our online portal, where you can check on the status of your accounts in real-time, download reports, and enter new accounts that you want to assign for us to collect. 

We Collect the Money You’re Owed

Without physical rehabilitation centers, more people would suffer pain, loss of mobility, lost wages, and a reduction in their quality of life. Physical therapy is a vital service, but if you don’t get paid, you won’t have enough money to keep your doors open. Our skilled recovery agents will use the most proven strategies and the most advanced technology to locate and contact your patients and help them pay off their accounts.

Once we locate the patients who owe you money, we contact them right away and present them with several repayment options if not able to pay in full at that time. We make it easy for them to pay their debt online or over the phone. You never pay a fee for this service; we merely take a percentage of the money we collect on your behalf.

We are a full-service debt collection company. Our services include:

  • Early Out Program
  • Revenue Cycle Management
  • Consulting Services
  • Accounts Receivable Management

We know and means to help your business remain profitable, whether you need to collect on one invoice or overhaul your accounts receivable department. No matter what you need, you can count on us to make it happen!

Put Southwest Recovery Services to Work for You

Don’t spend your valuable time tracking down your money. Hire Southwest Recovery Services so you can spend more time doing what you do best – helping patients recover.  With our combined 70 years of debt collection experience and our cutting-edge technology, you can trust us to turn those delinquent accounts into money in the bank.  Call us today for a free consultation!