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Orthopedic Medicine Collections

Patient debt is an issue faced by hospitals, clinics, and private practices across the country. When patients don’t pay their bills on time, your business can suffer. Southwest Recovery Services uses unique, industry-tested methods to collect debts before they damage your bottom line. Here’s what our experienced recovery agents can do for you.

Keep Your Business Afloat

Delinquent accounts can do serious damage to your business when they aren’t resolved quickly. Slow or ineffective debt collection disrupts your cash flow and costs more in time and resources than it’s worth. When you try to collect your debts, you aren’t getting the quality service your business deserves. A talented debt collection agency is the best choice for your patients and your bottom line. Hire Southwest Recovery to resolve your debts quickly without damaging your bottom line.

Retain Important Patients

Collecting debts from your patients is tough, and you shouldn’t try to do it alone. Inexperienced debt collection efforts might cost you more patients. Debtors are more likely to pay their bills when a professional collector is involved, and our team is trained to be patient and understanding with your clients. We listen to your patients’ problems and work with them to come to the best possible agreement, and our industry-tested firm but friendly approach makes debtors more willing to negotiate. Southwest Recovery knows you value your patients and we strive to preserve those relationships while collecting as much as possible for your business.

Uphold Your Reputation

As an orthopedic medical professional, you depend on patient satisfaction and a strong reputation to keep your practice afloat. Many medical care centers shy away from professional debt collection because they worry about losing their good name. At Southwest Recovery, we know your reputation is in our hands every time we speak to your patients. We only use ethical debt collection methods in compliance with government regulations. Our team makes your patients a priority by always speaking with them in a friendly, understanding way to give them the best experience possible. You don’t need to worry about sacrificing your reputation when you trust the experienced collections team at Southwest Recovery.

Higher Success Rates and Better Outcomes

Southwest Recovery is dedicated to giving our clients the best debt collection services at no out-of-pocket cost. We’re a contingency agency, so our pay is directly dependent on the quality of work we do for you. We use cutting-edge technology to identify delinquent accounts as soon as they appear. We use frequent follow-up efforts to make contact with your patients as soon as possible, and our firm but friendly approach allows us to collect debts with more success and better outcomes than other agencies.

Southwest Recovery Pursues Orthopedic Medicine Debts

Don’t struggle to collect debts from your orthopedic patients. Instead, hire Southwest Recovery Services to collect your debts quickly and with greater success. We combine advanced technology with a unique, softer approach to efficiently collect payments from your debtors with no out-of-pocket costs. Call or visit our website to get in touch with an experienced orthopedic medicine recovery agent today!