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Chiropractors provide a much-needed service to patients who suffer from chronic pain, misaligned joints, old injuries, and other complaints. Unfortunately, when patients fall behind on their payments, chiropractic clinics suffer as a result. You could try to collect debts on your own, but your time as a chiropractic professional could be much better spent serving patients and growing your practice. Instead, call the innovative debt collections team at Southwest Recovery Services. With our help, you’ll be able to collect delinquent payments more efficiently without any out-of-pocket costs.

Don’t Let Bad Debts Add Up

Neglecting or failing to pursue debts as soon as they pop up is bad for business, and it can harm your bottom line. Weaknesses in your billing system can cause more debts to pile up, and your staff isn’t equipped to handle them with skill. Address delinquent accounts before they turn into bad debt or disrupt your cash flow when you hire Southwest Recovery Services. Our team uses the latest technology to track patient accounts and identify debts before it’s too late. We’ll even pursue bad debts you might’ve given up on to ensure we’re doing the best we can for your business.

Maintain Your Good Reputation

Southwest Recovery knows the importance of your reputation and strives to uphold it. You depend on strong client relationships and positive reviews to maintain your income, and you might worry about involving a debt collection agency because of that. The truth is that a professional collections team can maintain and even boost your reputation more than your staff. Southwest Recovery uses a softer approach than other agencies, which can help your clients feel respected and open to negotiation.

Don’t Lose Valued Accounts

Chiropractic patients have to make regular appointments to see the best results, which can lead them to become attached to long-time patients. You might feel that you can collect debts from your clients better than anyone else, but most debtors are more likely to pay their bills when contacted by a third-party collection agency. Southwest Recovery uses an industry-tested firm but friendly approach to win the favor of your clients without running them away from your business. Our unique methods are what help us resolve debts efficiently without compromising the trust of your clients.

Collection Services You Can Trust

Debt collection is heavily regulated by the government to protect debtors from being harassed or scammed by unethical collectors. Southwest Recovery only uses ethical, compliant methods to collect debts with more success than other agencies. We care about you and your clients, and we’re always seeking the most mutually beneficial agreements for everyone involved. With Southwest Recovery, you can resolve debts and save your business without sacrificing your morals or your reputation.

Southwest Recovery Pursues Chiropractic Collections

You and your staff aren’t equipped to collect debts from your patients, and choosing to do so might cost you more in time and resources than it’s worth. Don’t settle for slow, ineffective collections when you can hire Southwest Recovery Services. We combine innovative technology with a unique, firm-but-friendly approach to collect debts with more success and better outcomes than other agencies. Call or visit our website to get in touch with an experienced chiropractic debt collector today!