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With the aging US population, assisted living services and retirement homes are more important than ever. Children of elderly parents are retiring late if they get to retire at all.  That means they often need help meeting their parents’ medical and social needs. Assisted living facilities and other forms of long-term care (LTC) are a godsend for millions of families across the nation.

Unfortunately, many of these families will struggle to pay for their loved one’s care at some point. This can lead to insufficient funds for the facility to operate and the worst possible outcome for residents: having to move back home where they won’t have around-the-clock care or the ability to be around others their age. Nobody wants that! 

At Southwest Recovery Services, we take an empathetic approach to retirement home collections to increase cash flow to your business while respecting the dignity of those under your care. We never make patients or responsible parties feel bad for their inability to pay; instead, we listen to them, give them multiple repayment options, and make it very easy for them to pay online or over the phone.

Caring for Baby Boomers

Baby boomers are, by definition, a large generation that will require elder care in unprecedented numbers. This responsibility falls mostly on the shoulders of their children. Due to the high cost of prescription medications and their limited incomes, many elders no longer have sizable savings to contribute to their care. 

The average monthly cost for assisted living in the US is $4,000. That’s a tall order for anyone, and Medicare does not help with this expense, though it may help offset some of the medical care elders receive while in residence.

What Does This Mean for Assisted Living Facilities?

It can be challenging to find a relative who is willing and able to pay consistently. What if the responsible party stops communicating with you while their loved one is still under your care? Southwest Recovery Services has the technology, tools, and human resources you need to locate and contact the responsible party.

Here are some examples of how we can help you get the money you’re owed:

  • Increase outbound calling and written communications
  • Negotiate terms and set up appropriate  payment plans
  • Assist in seeking possible financing options for the patient
  • Take advantage of retroactive Medicaid financing

Our professional recovery agents will get to work immediately when you sign up with us. We understand that you’re in the business of caring, and we always represent your organization with friendly professionalism to preserve your reputation. We’re also sympathetic to the fragile financial state many families are in, so we only use the most ethical and empathetic debt recovery strategies.

Southwest Recovery Services is Your Solution

You want to give your assisted living residents the very best quality of care, but it’s hard to do that when you have unpaid accounts. Southwest Recovery Services will collect what’s owed to you, and you never have to pay us a cent until we collect. We just take a percentage of the money we recover. Sign-up is free!

Call us today and let us show you how to maximize resident care while protecting your bottom line with our gentler, more effective debt recovery solutions.