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Addiction Rehabilitation Center Collections

There are many reasons why a person might miss a payment for the rehabilitation center. SWR offers our services to addiction rehabilitation centers, and we can help you get back the money you’re owed. No reason for you to go through the entire process alone when we can do it for you. 

Your goal is to help people battle addiction, and you can continue doing that with our assistance. 

How Collection Agencies Work

The idea behind collection agencies is simple. The company or individual hiring the agency will authorize the collectors to recover the money on their behalf. The same rule applies to any possible area of work. 

Needless to say, things don’t work as in movies. The debt collector is not allowed to threaten anyone or harm them, and the reality is quite the opposite. People working as debt collectors are highly professional, and they operate according to a set of rules and according to FDCPA. They share the same goal as both the debtor and the company that hired them. 

Each involved party wants the entire problem to go away. The patient wants to pay back the money, and the company wants to get the money they are owed. Collection agencies can help both parties find the solution to this problem professionally. It is not uncommon for the rehabilitation center to treat the patient again even after the process is over and it’s important to maintain a positive image. 

Rehab Debt Collection

Debt collection for rehabilitation centers is no different than any other form of collection. A patient might skip a couple of monthly payments, and try to get away from it for various reasons. Keep in mind that these reasons don’t need to be malicious. The person might not be in a situation where they could pay the money they’re owed, and a good payment plan might be the very thing they need. 

This is why it is a good idea to hire a collection agency to do the work for you. Here at Southwest Recovery Services, we have years of experience in the field. We know how to understand the situation, and that not every debtor is a villain. There is often more to the story than meets the eye. And this is why we are dedicated to helping our neighbors in North Texas, ensuring that they get back the money they are owed. 

We Understand the Situation

Our team has years of experience collecting debt, and we understand the situation. The rehabilitation center is looking to get the money for the service since running a rehab center is not cheap. It requires a lot of work, dedication, and of course, resources. 

At the same time, being in rehab is not pleasant. People go there to get back on their feet, and sometimes, they might not be able to afford it. Does this mean that they shouldn’t get the help they need? Of course not! This is why we aim to find a solution to the problem that works for all involved parties. 

If you want to learn more about our methods, payment plans, services, or anything else regarding debt collection, you can always message us. We would love to go through the entire process with you and help you find a satisfying solution to your current problem.