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Staffing Agency Collections

Staffing agencies do the very important work of matching qualified candidates with job positions based on their skills and experience.  

Southwest Recovery Services is dedicated to helping staffing agencies collect debts from clients without putting your reputation at risk. Our friendly but firm approach to debt collection generates higher success rates and better outcomes. We don’t charge any upfront costs, and our pay is dependent on how much money we collect for you. When you need quick, friendly, professional debt collection, you can always count on Southwest Recovery.

Secure Your Bottom Line

Staffing is a growing, competitive industry, and your success in the field depends on your ability to generate cash flow. When clients owe you money, it can disrupt and weaken your bottom line and cost you even more money down the road. Acting on debts quickly is key to securing your bottom line. Southwest Recovery uses the latest technology to locate clients who owe you money as fast as possible. Once we’ve found these delinquent accounts, we use frequent follow-ups to make quick contact.

Never Lose Your Valued Clients

Many businesses worry they might lose clients if they try to collect debts. We know you’ve worked hard to build strong relationships with your clients, and we’ll always do our best to preserve them. Southwest Recovery uses friendly but firm interactions to prevent clients from becoming offended or defensive. This strategy results in higher success rates, and it’s a great way to maintain the relationships you have with your clients.

Polite, Professional Representation

Staffing agents aren’t typically trained or experienced in debt collection. When you try to collect debts on your own, you might not have the expertise to represent your business in a polite, professional manner. Southwest Recovery has been in the business for years, and our debt collection team is trained to represent your business well.

Our Unique Approach to Collections

Debt collection is heavily regulated in the United States to protect debtors from harassment and scams. Southwest Recovery adheres to these regulations with a unique debt collection strategy. We use the latest technology to find the clients who owe you money, and then we make contact with the client as soon as possible. Our collectors listen to your clients and work with them to make the most beneficial agreement. This understanding approach makes the client more willing to negotiate, and it means you’ll be able to collect more payments in a short period.

Southwest Recovery can Help

In the competitive field of staffing, don’t let your company fall behind. Protect your bottom line and maintain your client relationships when you hire Southwest Recovery for no out-of-pocket cost. Here’s what we can do for you: 

  • Frequent follow-up efforts to make quick contact with your clients
  • Dispute resolution
  • Improve your payment and collections process
  • Protect your cash flow

Southwest Recovery works fast to secure as much money as possible for your business. We take a friendly but firm approach to debt collection, which generates higher success rates and better outcomes without risking your good reputation.