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Funeral Home Collections

A funeral home handles the funeral services of those who have died. It provides burial, cremation, and memorial services. Your business has a lot on its plate, especially since you play a big role in giving the mourning families closure. The last thing you want to be doing is chasing down your clients to pay back the debt or to pay their bills on time. This would create a strange dynamic between you and the mourners. But, you need a regular cash flow to provide these same services to other families that are going through this tough time. That’s what Southwest Recovery Services is here for. We provide timely debt collections without damaging your reputation. As soon as you call, we will get started on the collection process.

Challenges of Funeral Home Debt Collection

Death and money are sensitive subjects, and a funeral home has to deal with both of them all the time. No proper funeral can be conducted without some big expenses. It may seem insensitive to speak about money when a family is mourning the loss of a loved one, but like any other business, it needs income to operate. Therefore, one of the challenges of collecting debt for a funeral home is that the two sensitive subjects may seem overwhelming. And if you don’t know how to properly approach these delicate subjects together, you may damage your reputation.

If you decide to collect debt yourself, you and your employees will need proper training. Some rules and regulations need to be followed to conduct ethical collections. If you decide to hire additional staff to handle the debt collection, you will also need to invest in additional infrastructure and equipment to assist them in their recovery process. The most cost-effective solution is to outsource to a debt collection agency like Southwest Recovery Services.

Advantages of Working with Southwest Recovery Services

Our agency works on a contingency basis. This means that we don’t get paid until you do. There are no upfront or hidden fees when beginning services with us. And since we don’t get paid until we have collected some debt, our agents are motivated to try every available strategy. Some of these include:

  • Oral and Written Communication
  • Customer Service Quality Standards
  • Effective Negotiation
  • Skip Tracing Techniques
  • Credit Reporting
  • Legal Action

At Southwest Recovery Services, our agents are trained to act professionally and respectfully in every kind of scenario with any type of customer. You won’t have to worry about your customer relationship or reputation. We also train our expert agents in state and national regulations, such as:

  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act 
  • Fair Credit Reporting Act
  • Bankruptcy Laws
  • Fair Debt Collection Practices Act Certification Class
  • American Collectors Association Rules and Regulations

Accounts Receivable Management

If you want to divert your time and resources to another department in your funeral home, you can leave your cash flow tracking up to us. Our accounts receivable management enhances your cash flow and financial predictability. With our services, we can help you stay in front of invoicing and receive payments consistently. 

Southwest Recovery Services

To learn more about our debt collection services, get in touch with Southwest Recovery Services today. We will be happy to assist you in maintaining a great reputation while collecting payments on time.