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Credit Card Company Collections

Attempting to collect a past-due amount on a credit card can be a challenging proposition for any company. As more and more people search for alternative resolutions to their debt concerns, the challenge of handling delinquent accounts as a credit card company has become more difficult than ever before. When more time and resources are spent attempting to collect on an account, the overall value of the lost revenue starts to decrease. The reality is that the more time and effort an organization spends attempting to settle a debt, the less value the amount owed is going to have in the end.

Instead of devoting additional resources and energy within your company in the pursuit of past-due credit card accounts, your best option is to work with our team of organized and experienced debt collection specialists at Southwest Recovery Services in Dallas, TX. Every member of our team knows all the best methods and techniques for approaching a customer and interacting with them in a friendly, but firm professional manner to convince them to close out a past-due account. A team dedicated to giving our clients the best possible service, we’re committed to making sure the communications and interactions we engage in on your behalf will always maintain the highest standards of courtesy and professionalism you and your clients deserve.

Avoid Losing Additional Resources

The most frustrating part of seeking to settle a past-due account is the understanding that the more time you spend pursuing an account, the less value the final result will ultimately have. Because of the time, energy, and human resources required to pursue a delinquent account, achieving a settlement may not always be as profitable as expected. The best way to maximize your return in these situations is to seek support from a team of experienced recovery agents who will make every effort to use their time in the most effective possible way.

The Benefit of Industry Knowledge

The process of convincing a delinquent account holder to make payments can be difficult, time-consuming, and even frustrating at times. Even if you have assigned someone within your organization to pursue past due credit card account balances, that does not mean they are going to yield the best results without the right industry knowledge, support structure, and consumer information at their disposal. As an organization that has been working with our clients for years to help them recover on past due accounts, we have refined the best techniques and methods to be sure that the time we’re investing in collection efforts will have the best possible impact.

Discreet Representation

When making collection attempts on behalf of a client, our team will always interact with account holders in the most professional manner possible. By maintaining a courteous, calm, yet firm demeanor, our skilled agents can engage in collection efforts that will not provoke a negative response that could harm the overall image or brand of your organization.

Settling a past-due account for a credit card company can be difficult because of the possibility that account holders may be increasingly sensitive to their situation. By avoiding potential trigger phrases, and working to de-escalate the interaction, our agents can promote a healthier, more positive communication atmosphere that is more likely to result in the account being settled. 

At Southwest Recovery Services, we recover debt for credit card companies and many other industries. Just call one of our six locations in Texas, Oklahoma, and Missouri, and we’ll put our collection skills to work for you.