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Construction Collections

Construction companies build homes for people, remodel them, and even repair them when disaster hits. Needless to say, you play a very important role in society. When people get work done on their homes, they are investing quite a bit of money. Sometimes, these people don’t have enough money to pay for your services. So what do they do? Ignore your invoices, ask for more time, or just stop answering altogether. If your construction company is struggling with collecting payments from clients, get in touch with Southwest Recovery Services right away. Our agents are professionally trained to collect in a timely and efficient manner.

Challenges of Construction Debt Collection

You and your crew work long hot summer days building a house from scratch. In other words, your team can handle a lot of big responsibilities. You might say, “What’s so hard about a little debt collection on the side?” Although you may think that’s easy to do, there’s a lot of tedious work that goes into it. You need an entire team dedicated to collecting the outstanding debt, especially if you have multiple clients who haven’t paid. 

There’s professional training that you and your staff will have to undergo if you want to collect debt yourselves. There are national and state regulations that need to be followed to ensure ethical collections such as:

  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act 
  • Fair Credit Reporting Act
  • Bankruptcy Laws
  • Fair Debt Collection Practices Act Certification Class
  • American Collectors Association Rules and Regulations

And what will your staff do when the clients are still being unresponsive? How will you get them to comply? A lot of preparation and planning needs to go into debt collection practices. Before you know it, you will be juggling your resources and time with getting construction projects done and collecting payments. However, there’s no need to take on this collection role yourselves. Southwest Recovery Services is the most cost-effective solution out there.

Why Working with a Debt Collection Agency Is the Answer

Imagine completing construction projects and receiving payments on time. What a dream. Well, luckily for you, we can make that a reality. While you and your team focus on building homes and making homeowners’ dreams come true, Southwest Recovery Services will collect the money you rightfully earned. Our agents have worked with all types of clients and they treat each one with respect and professionalism. 

Our team uses every available strategy to collect, such as:

  • Oral and Written Communication
  • Customer Service Quality Standards
  • Effective Negotiation
  • Skip Tracing Techniques
  • Credit Reporting
  • Legal Action

You can rest assured that our agents do everything they can to collect those unpaid bills. 

Southwest Recovery Services Is Only a Call Away

If you require debt collection services, our team is here to help. Construction companies already have a lot on their shoulders, the last thing you want to do is chase clients down for their payments. Leave that to us. Southwest Recovery Services operates on a contingency basis. That means that we don’t get paid until there has been a successful recovery. Therefore, there are no upfront fees to team up with us. Let’s get started today!