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Commercial Water Damage Repair Collections

In the aftermath of a great flood or fire, water damage is often the first issue that needs to be addressed to help home and business owners get back to their day-to-day lives. Disaster restoration companies, plumbers, and other cleanup businesses help speed this process along and get homes and offices back to proper condition for life and work. Unfortunately, during such a trying time for a property owner, costs can escalate very quickly, and often bills fall behind and go unpaid. At Southwest Recovery Services, we work extensively with businesses that repair and restore water-damaged properties to streamline debt recovery and collect on unpaid debts.

Early Debt Collection Through Prompt Intervention

Most businesses that address water damage are small to mid-size companies. We know that accounts receivable is a huge endeavor for small teams as they also focus on things like payroll, taxes, and helping the business grow. Adding collections to their plate can only hurt a growing business and team.

Collection of unpaid debt is a delicate process, with various legal constraints that you must be aware of. This is difficult to manage internally, as using the wrong language or collecting outside certain time frames can lead to trouble. It can even void a dent entirely. Working with a professional debt collection agency like Southwest Recovery Services is a surefire way to be sure you follow all applicable laws and collect as quickly as possible. Southwest Recovery Services employs early intervention strategies to help your business get a jump on the debt recovery process. 

Preserve Customer  Relations

In the aftermath of a disaster like a fire or flood, people are often vulnerable and emotionally drained from their losses. Collecting debt in this situation can be a challenge.  It’s important to collect the money you need to cover your time, materials, and labor, but you also want to be sympathetic and make sure the customer is left with a positive impression of your business.  Our team at Southwest Recovery Services are experts in handling potentially difficult conversations with your clients as we effectively collect and maintain your positive reputation.

Don’t Delay Your Pay

Water, fire, and storm damage services operate at the most difficult of times and can be restricted by limited cash flow and tight timeframes.  With natural disasters often causing widespread damage, disaster service providers are almost all hands on deck.  This moves the debt recovery task to the bottom of the list despite the critical need to maintain cash flow.  Our collection team at Southwest Recovery understands the dilemma faced by these service providers.  Working with our collection professionals unloads this heavy task and ensures an exceptional recovery of accounts receivable in a quick manner. 

Southwest Recovery Services provides the help water, fire, and disaster restoration professionals need!   Here are some ways Southwest Recovery Services can help:

  • Commercial and residential expertise
  • Immediate serving of notices and reminders for collection
  • Early Out debt recovery settlement programs
  • Pre and post-legal processes for effective collections

Let Southwest Recovery Services handle the difficult customer communications so you don’t have to. We do not get paid unless you do!