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Commercial Janitorial Collections

Commercial janitorial services are one of the most important and least recognized businesses in our society. Every day, people go to work in office buildings and stores to find sparkling clean spaces. Most of the time, they don’t have a second thought about how everything stays so clean. But you know it’s because your commercial janitorial service was there to make their workplace healthy and comfortable. While you may be used to your hard work going unrecognized, no one ever gets used to being forgotten when the bill comes due. Unfortunately, other businesses are just as likely as individual citizens to experience financial problems or poor management that leads to unpaid bills. When you find yourself in a situation where you need to collect outstanding invoices, you have options.

Commercial Janitorial Collection Challenges

When bills go unpaid by your commercial clients, it may be tempting to give them more time. They are a business after all, just like you. Surely they will eventually pay their bill. So you may give them a call to check in occasionally and let the bill sit for long after the due date. Unfortunately, the assumption that another business will eventually pay its debt to you because of its integrity as a business is not a good one. Businesses fall into debt just like consumers do. And just like consumers, they are more motivated to pay their outstanding debts when a professional collector gets involved.

Advantages of Professional Debt Collection

Hiring a professional recovery agent like Southwest Recovery Services has many advantages. Research has shown that people and businesses are more likely to pay outstanding debts when an external recovery agent gets involved. It shows that the creditor is serious about collecting and will take whatever action is necessary to do so. When this happens, most debtors realize the debt is not worth risking their reputation and creditworthiness, and they pay promptly. 

Referring your debt to us may also save you time and resources. When you try to handle outstanding debt collection internally, it costs your employees time. It is also unlikely that they have training in debt collection best practices, so the process may take longer and be less fruitful than if you hired a professional. Additionally, because they aren’t familiar with debt collection techniques, it’s possible that they could inadvertently upset a client and damage the relationship. 

Many business owners are worried that referring debt to a professional collector will damage their relationship with their clients. While that may be a concern with some collection agencies, you have nothing to worry about with Southwest Recovery Services. We function as an extension of your business, providing the same top-notch customer service that your clients would expect from you. We always speak to them and negotiate with respect and friendliness. Not only is that the best way to collect a debt, but it’s also the best way to represent you as our client.

When to Refer Outstanding Debt

Many businesses struggle with deciding when to refer their outstanding debts to a collection agency. Often this is an even bigger concern for b2b businesses. Invoices for commercial clients often have much longer billing cycles and different payment terms than for private citizens. Contracts and payment terms vary from business to business, but we can say that generally, it is best to refer your debts to a collector sooner rather than later. If you let them sit for long periods, you could start to have legal complications such as statutes of limitations. If you’re unsure about your specific timeline for referring debts, we can take a look at your contracts and agreements and help you come up with a plan.

We Can Help You Clean Up Outstanding Debt

We know that you have a business to run, and what a vital business that is. Chasing down payments from clients isn’t the best way for you to run your business. We specialize in bringing in those past-due payments professionally and efficiently so you can get back to doing what you do best. Give us a call today to start cleaning up your overdue invoices.