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Child Care Collections

Child care is such an important service in our society. Your care and expertise in educating our youngest citizens prepare them for school and allow parents to keep our economy running. Unfortunately, when parents fall on hard times, they often have to make tough choices about which bills get paid. This can cause them to fall behind on childcare payments. As a dedicated childcare provider, you know that other families depend on your services. You still need your rightfully owed income to operate. If your child care center is struggling to collect unpaid debts, Southwest Recovery Services can help.

Don’t Neglect Unpaid Debts

Without proper training and experience, you and your staff aren’t equipped to collect debts quickly. Slow and ineffective debt collection can cost more in time and resources than it’s worth. This can damage your bottom line. Southwest Recovery uses cutting-edge technology to find and address delinquent accounts as soon as possible. Taking swift action helps keep your cash flowing and your business thriving.

Keep Your Good Name

You might be wary of hiring a debt collection agency because you fear it’ll damage your reputation. As a child care center, you rely on parents to trust your service without worry. We understand the importance of your reputation and we strive to uphold it with respectful, understanding debt collection services. Our unique, friendly debt collection method allows us to collect debts while leaving a good impression on your clients. You’re trusting us to collect payment quickly without damaging your good name, and we take that responsibility seriously. You shouldn’t have to choose between your reputation and your cash flow, and you won’t have to with Southwest Recovery.

Don’t Lose Valuable Accounts

Collecting debts on your own might seem like the best way to avoid losing your best clients, but it might do the opposite. Debt collection is a delicate process. It takes proper training and skill to build trust with debtors. Without proper training, it is possible to inadvertently say or do something to offend your client, which could leave you in a worse position than where you started. Statistics show that clients are more likely to pay their debts when a third-party collection agency is involved, so don’t risk losing your most valuable clients. Southwest Recovery uses an industry-tested firm, but friendly approach which makes clients feel respected and more likely to agree.

Debt collection takes years of training to master. It’s heavily regulated by the government to protect consumers from unfair harassment, which means you might not know how to properly adhere to these regulations. At Southwest Recovery, we only use legal and ethical debt collection techniques so you can know your clients are being treated well. We balance fast, effective debt collection with professional and polite representation of your business. With Southwest Recovery, you’ll be able to collect on debts without sacrificing your reputation or your morals.

Southwest Recovery Services Can Help

For child care debt collection services you can trust, hire Southwest Recovery Services. We combine the latest technology with a firm but friendly approach that allows us to collect debts quickly, without hurting your client relationships. Our methods are proven to be more successful than other debt collection agencies, so call today to speak with an experienced debt recovery professional!