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Business-to-business (B2B) working arrangements have become more commonplace today with more businesses offering services for other businesses. These working arrangements are often quite lucrative with longer sales cycles and fewer customers to deal with. At Southwest Recovery Services, we protect the foundation of B2B relationships while protecting your bottom line with our superior collection processes. 

Increase Working Capital

Working capital is the lifeblood that sustains the day-to-day operations of your B2B business. When debt is left unpaid, your capital shrinks, limiting your operations along with it. As a bootstrapped business, you cannot afford to lose even a fraction of your working capital because it limits your ability to grow. Southwest Recovery Services works tirelessly to collect your delinquent accounts so your business remains liquid and capable of more growth.

We Help You Collect Payment from Overdue Invoices

Most businesses extend credit to partner businesses as a measure of goodwill to boost sales. However, when accounts receivable policies aren’t enforced properly, your losses start to pile up. You end up with less working capital often creating a major deficit in cash flow. Southwest Recovery Services eliminates cash flow deficits by identifying past-due invoices and quickly following up on non-paying accounts.

Protecting the Foundation of B2B Relationships

B2B has the potential for sustained growth. A partner business can potentially generate more revenue from a single sale than when selling directly to customers. Add to that the recurring nature of most B2B transactions, which can create a more lucrative market for your business than one-time deals. Our agents at Southwest Recovery understand the nature of B2B partnerships to preserve recurring revenue. We employ calculated strategies for debt recovery with a firm but diplomatic approach that prevents damaging relationships and can impair the chances of a successful collection.  

Let Southwest Recovery Help

B2B businesses often find it difficult to pursue action against other firms to recover accounts receivables. Let Southwest Recovery do that for you. Here are some examples of what we can do for you:

  • Complete review and assessment of account and situation
  • Locate and contact nonresponsive or unavailable parties
  • Determine the best possible resolution and overcome any disputes
  • Evaluate for legal action and if information indicates high potential to win the case

Secure your bottom line with our proven methods for accounts receivable recovery when you work with Southwest Recovery Services.