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Car Rental Collections

A lot of people out there use rental cars whether it be as a luxury splurge or just convenient transportation in a pinch. Some people choose to indulge in fast and expensive luxury cars for important occasions like weddings. Others use car rentals as transportation on long road trips to avoid driving up their own car’s mileage. More still utilize car rental services while their vehicle is in the shop getting maintenance or repairs. Most people don’t have time to wait and will still need a way to get around town until it’s fixed. A rental car can be a convenient solution. However, problems may very well arise. A lot of people don’t pay attention to the contract they’re signing, and once fees start building up for the services they choose to add on, they may refuse to pay. Something as simple as not fueling up the tank before returning the car will require additional service, money, and product on your end to get the vehicle ready for the next customer. Some consumers don’t consider this and will dispute fair and valid charges. SWR debt recovery agents can help you hold your renters accountable.

Disputes Over Additional Fees

To offer the fairest price to your patrons there are generally different pricing and add-ons for rental vehicles. This helps keep costs low where you can, but also covers expenses should a renter require extra services. Unfortunately, people who are rushing to catch flights or get transportation to work after a stressful collision oftentimes don’t do their due diligence. They don’t know which fees they’re signing up for and are likely to dispute charges later. 

Rental Car Damages

One of the most significant costs associated with car rentals is accidents and damage repair. A lot of people choose to forego rental insurance because it’s another additional cost they hope to avoid. They will end up regretting this decision should they find themselves in a car accident or dealing with dents or scratches for some other reason. The driver or person on the contract is liable for damages if they opted out of insurance coverage.

Company Insurance

Insuring a car through your own rental company may come with a hefty price tag because repairs would be on your shoulders. This is a great service that your company offers to renters, but you need to charge accordingly. The only problem comes when the renter doesn’t note the price before signing and doesn’t want to pay the amount when their balance is due. Some other renters fall into trouble by not reading the fine print of their own insurance policy. They aren’t prepared to pay for the essential services you provide when it isn’t covered by insurance. Most car insurance policies set some kind of limitations including daily price limits, not covering “extra insurance”, or only covering a certain amount of days. If a renter isn’t properly informed they may avoid paying what they promised.

SWR Rental Car Collections

If you have trouble with clients who drop cars off in the middle of the night and deny any damages are their fault or renters are disputing charges they already agreed to give us a call. Our professional debt recovery agents have the training and experience needed to collect outstanding car rental debts. Better yet we operate on a contingency basis, so we don’t get paid until you do. Our services can help businesses offering car rentals keep on top of their finances and ensure they collect the money they’re owed. When customers skip out on their obligations it makes it difficult to maintain vehicle standards and ensure a good reputation for your business and the safety of future customers. Let us collect your money and help keep your operation running smoothly.